Thursday, March 18, 2010
Love POems.. For Who Are InLove
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Ceiling fans
by Monkey shinesWatching the ceiling fan
holding your hand
the picture in my head is on fire
my bones are breaking
so don't hold on so tight
everything I wanted is so clear
I'm dreaming like anyone would be
watching ceiling fans with you
watching the ceiling fan
laying my head on your chest
the album of my future is beating like drums
it is so loud in my head
and I'm listening with hopeful ears
my mind filled with sweet silence
I'm finely happy like anyone would be
watching ceiling fans with you
watching the ceiling fan
breathing slowly
can't seem to close my eyes
the shutters on windows painted blue
feeling a warm breeze taking my soul away
I don't need to say a thing
I'm in love like anyone would be
watching ceiling fans with you
Why Drugs Don't Help Diabetes Patients' Hearts
Doctors at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology in Atlanta on Sunday got some surprising news on their first day of sessions. Researchers presented three studies revealing that some of the most widely prescribed medications to reduce the risk of heart disease in Type 2 diabetes patients appeared not to provide much benefit at all.
People with diabetes are twice as likely as nondiabetics to suffer a heart attack — most diabetes patients die of heart disease — and for years, physicians have used aggressive drug treatments to lower that risk. To that end, the goal has commonly been to lower blood sugar or control blood-sugar spikes after eating, lower triglycerides and reduce blood pressure in diabetes patients to levels closer to those of healthy, nondiabetic individuals. By using medication to treat these factors, which are linked to a higher risk of heart attack and stroke in other patients, doctors assumed they would also be reducing the risk in people with diabetes. (See TIME's special report on how to live to 100.)
Now, in the aftermath of reports concluding that these targets do not cut the risk of heart disease in diabetes patients, and in some cases may even do harm, researchers are struggling to make sense of the seemingly counterintuitive data, and physicians are trying to figure out how to incorporate the findings into their practice.
Already, researchers anticipate that more careful analyses of the trial data over the coming months and years may lead to more nuanced conclusions; it may turn out, for instance, that certain subgroups of patients like younger, newly diagnosed diabetics actually benefit from the medications, even while the larger population of diabetes patients do not. (Comment on this story.)
The data come from the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) trial, a three-part federal study launched a decade ago to investigate whether the aggressive lowering of those key risk factors — blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure — would reduce heart risks in diabetes and prediabetes patients. Two years ago, the blood-sugar arm of the study was terminated, when people who drastically reduced glucose levels ended up having a higher overall mortality rate than those not receiving such intensive therapy.
See how to prevent illness at anyThe Shamrock

St. Patrick is credited with taking Christianity to Ireland around A.D. 432. To sell his message, Irish legend says he chose the shamrock as a symbol of the Christian church. Its three leaves were meant to represent the Holy Trinity: God, Son and the Holy Spirit, joined together by a common stalk. Apparently, the shamrock campaign worked: by the time of St. Patrick's death on March 17, 461, he had created a number of churches, schools and monasteries dedicated to the faith.
Read more:,28804,1972553_1972551,00.html#ixzz0iR3X4aIx
Find Them!!!
Top 10 Notorious Fugitives
On March 14, the FBI's most-wanted list celebrated its 60th anniversary. Here's a look at some of the most infamous fugitives in its history